As I may have mentioned, I am in school completing prerequisites toward my MFA that I hope to start next year. Along with a variety of studio classes, I am taking a course in the history of modern sculpture. Since I was eligible to take this course with honors if I did some extra work, I decided to do so, figuring that it will look good to graduate schools. It was a pretty easy decision as I reviewed the work of modern sculptors I admired. The work of Giacometti is cool and I love Miro and Matisse in any medium. Lots of others appeal to me but not one can match the joyfulness of Alexander Calder.
I love his mobiles, some recently on exhibit at the Gagosian gallery here in NY. But what first drew me to him was his Circus at the Whitney Museum. It is on permenant display there but he used to perform it and you can watch him perform it on youtube, much as he did in Paris in 1929.
Cool sculpture! I really like it!
I love this!! It is so cool!
These are waaaaay too cool! I love them!!!
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