Anyone who knows me knows that I just love color. I love it bright and pure, active and energetic. I've discovered another artist who loves color, it would seem, as much as I. Here is a blast of red that just makes me want to stand up and cheer.
I discovered him quite by accident as I cruised youtube. There he was -- painting to music, or rather, painting music itself, to a lively beat that corresponded to the creation of his painting. I investigated further and discovered that he paints best in performance and creates ma

ny of his paintings on demand, in front of an audience. Even his representational pictures are
painted with the same fervor and improvisational skill.
I also love that he paints big and even in circles. You can take a look at his website:www.jonasgerard.com or his video; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vXODxFzn9mU&NR=1&feature=fvwp
Is he painting color or music?

Who's him?
I love the color you use. The top one in this post is AMAZING. I can't take my eyes off it. Great work, you're a very vivid artist.
The artist is Jonas Gerard and I wish this work was mine, too. His colors are quite compelling.
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