Teaching Artists go into schools, senior centers, after school programs, etc. for a limited period of time and create a learning and creative experience for their students. These workshops, or residencies as they’re called, give the students just a taste of the art making experience in their short time. It may relate to the school curriculum or it may be a pure studio experience.
The residency I’ve just started teaching is in a wonderful school in the Bronx. A public middle school, it is housed in a building it shares with Bronx Prepatory High School. I need to tell you how impressed I am with this school. The teachers are mostly young, friendly and very committed to the educational process. Frequently, when I’ve been in the office, I overhear colleagues having strategy discussions on how to approach teaching a particular unit. I’ve been in many schools and take my word for it, that’s pretty unusual.
I’m teaching 6th graders, sometimes a tricky age. These children are (mostly) well behaved, interested and responsive. I already love teaching at this school.
My one snag is that the trip to South Bronx from Brooklyn takes well over an hour. To get there before 8AM classes begin is a real stretch for me. To while away my travel time, I sketch my fellow subway riders. One page you see here. What do you do to while away the time while you're traveling?
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