Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Having drawn and redrawn yesterday’s effort, by last night, I had had enough. I brought a sketch book and drawing materials back to my room and set about making several drawing that could be the basis of a painting. Captivated by my teacher’s wonderful paintings of people, I drew several figures, one of which became the basis for today’s painting.
I am working on canvas board, which I have textured, with acrylics. I had planned to work in acrylics all week but all the instruction and demonstration by instructors, has been with watercolor.
George talked about the most dynamic part of the picture plane. He diagrammed it for us but not too surprisingly, it is the center rectangular half of the picture, slightly above the midpoint.He also explained the difference between form – a 3 dimensional experience and shape, a 2D experience. Shapes relate better to the grid because they are both 2 dimensional.
Design, he noted, is the organization of visual materials. Dark shapes define light shapes; light shapes define dark. The human eye is drawn to light. James explained the Five Fundamentals of Design. They are: light shape on dark ground, dark shape on light, exchange-the alternating of light and dark ,which he applies, light shapes on light ground and ark shapes on dark.
A lot to take in for one day, and to apply it to one’s work.
Photos at top: George demonstrates a vertical seascape. At right: the 5 fundamentals.
Center: my painting in progress.
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