Thursday, January 1, 2009

Eighth Grade Celebrations At MS 223

Eighth graders at MS 223 in the Bronx, celebrated the completion of their visual arts rotation with me as their Resident Teaching Artist. Students from 803. 804, 805 & 877 spent the Oct. - Dec. working on personal identity collages and learning how to draw. They made contour drawings and learned about portraiture as they drew their own self portraits. They learned about self portraits created by Vincent Van Gogh and Schmidt Rutluff and Picasso's portrait of Dora Marr. They worked as "modern artists" to create stylized and abstracted portraits of themselves. Their teachers, Ms. Flood, Mr. Thompson, Mr. Trust & Ms. Concepcion were highly supportive of all their efforts. During the celebrations of completion, visitors including principal, Mr. Gonzalez, as well as teachers & other school personnel, came to view the artwork and leave comments for the artists. All the students felt a great sense of accomplishment.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

well this celebration is so freakin awesome.