It's a really interesting thing about drawing, and I guess it's true of other art forms also, but sometimes it takes only a few lines and moments to capture the true essence of something. What is the essence? Is it a movement, a moment in action? Or is it perhaps a look, the position of a foot or hand, the gesture? I think it is not a portrayal but rather a moment of truth. It is holding onto something that is fleeting, that for one moment, or even a nanosecond, was the absolute reality of your subject. I find that I frequently capture the essence quickly, as I did in these drawing that took less than two minutes. The model struck a pose and I was able to see into the very core of it. It is not about drawing; it is about seeing. I saw it as soon as I looked. Had I spent longer on these drawings it might well have been lost. The drawings might have been more fully developed, would certainly have had more detail. But the centrality of these drawings might hav