Sunday, January 31, 2010


It's a really interesting thing about drawing, and I guess it's true of other art forms also, but sometimes it takes only a few lines and moments to capture the true essence of something. What is the essence? Is it a movement, a moment in action? Or is it perhaps a look, the position of a foot or hand, the gesture? I think it is not a portrayal but rather a moment of truth. It is holding onto something that is fleeting, that for one moment, or even a nanosecond, was the absolute reality of your subject. I find that I frequently capture the essence quickly, as I did in these drawing that took less than two minutes. The model struck a pose and I was able to see into the very core of it. It is not about drawing; it is about seeing. I saw it as soon as I looked. Had I spent longer on these drawings it might well have been lost. The drawings might have been more fully developed, would certainly have had more detail. But the centrality of these drawings might have been lost in all the additional labor.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


While my sister, Davina, was visiting from California, we visited the Metropolitan Museum of Art. She really wanted to see classical European art, much of which left me dry. But after we had a bite of lunch, I went in search of something 3 dimensional that I wanted to draw for my drawing class homework. He said to do a minimum 10 minute drawing. (No problem for me, they always take much longer.)

We went to the Egyptian section (really great collection, I'd certainly recommend it.) and to the Temple of Dendur. Decided to draw the Sphinx. Here is my homework drawing.


I am trying to make drawing a part of my regular practice of my art. Here is a drawing of a cloth bag atop a book. This drawing took me about 1-1/2 hours to complete. Does this little guy have personality or what?

Monday, January 25, 2010


Drawing has always been the bane of my existence, artistically that is. Art teachers in school threw me out of their classes, saying I had no talent, basically because I couldn't draw. In recent times, mentors and teachers have consistently critiqued that I needed to work on my drawing. I bought books to work on it myself, but there is just so much you can get while trying to draw with your right brain from a book. So last semester I took a drawing 1 class with a great teacher, Irina Danilova, who delivered the basics in a way that no one could mess up. Now I am taking the next drawing class with another excellent teacher, Gregory Paquette.

He had us working with ellipses to be able to draw rounded objects in perpsective.

We drew rubber bands placed around vases and even invisible vase, made only of wire. It is amazing to feel the roundness and volume of something when it is merely a drawing on paper.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Hope all of you had a fun-filled holiday and that 2010 brings great adventures, happiness & health to all!

I've been thinking about what I'd like to accomplish in this coming year, as well as this dynamic decade. Having returned to school this past Fall, it has stimulated some feelings of opportunity that had lain dormant for a while. One of the conclusions that I've come to is that I'd like to get my MFA. The courses I've been taking have been directed at fulfilling prerequisites for admission. A number of people have asked why I want it, saying that in this job market it may not be a ticket to good employment, or that I'll just have to unlearn in order to keep my own style. But I realize I am serious about wanting to expand my work and working in a vacuum, as studio artists do, is not conducive to that. I am really excited about this prospect.

This will be the year of representation for my work. I have stated this goal for a while but have not really pursued it with seriousness. I will take the intimidation I feel at contacting some galleries and put it away, to reflect on in private. I will not let it have my power. This is the year my work will find either a literal or metaphoric home.

I also want to continue teaching. I have strong art skills and I am an interesting and effective teacher. Being in an academic environment let's me see how others communicate and educate about art. I can do that well and will find ways to reach out to students.

So those are some of my goals for this year. From here, I will form an action plan.

What are yours?