Our final night of the workshop is always Gallery Night. Each class displays selections of the work completed during the week. It was really a fabulous group that we had this time and the work reflected it. I only captured a few of my friends here with their work that night, everyone was so busy during the cocktail hour showing. (That's me up top with my work.)

We ate and drank all too well that week but tried to burn it up a bit with nighttime forays to the gym with Kathleen & Cathy and walking the beach with Nanc

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Had a chance to be with my buddy, Nancy Beard and had a ball with new friends, Cheryl & Susie, pictured here with their work.
I tried to get a picture of my whole class with George but whoever took it must have been having way too good a time, as two versions of the picture were out of focus. Hard to do with a point and shoot.
We had a wonderful party that evening and made plans to get together this summer in NY and the Poconos. I'm still working out dates.
I really miss the people and working in a studio setting. All I learned from those around me, especially my great new friend,
Cathy Hegman, was truly a gift. Being with dear friend
Kathleen Conover is always an uplifting experience. I love the intensity of it all, the ever stimulating environment. I cherish sharing the work, the accomplishment and frustrations, the energy. It's a synergistic experience. Coming back is always difficult, this year it seems harder than ever. In many ways, I feel closer to my painting buddies than to my friends at home. There's a bond.