Right now the heat in New Mexico is blistering. The long road I drove with my friend, Alice, from southern New Mexico to Albuqueque and on to check out the art meccas of Santa Fe and Taos, is now baked as you drive so fast your tires won't melt onto the macadum. The rising heat vibrates as your long view takes in the narrow stripe that leads you across the state, interrupted only by tossing tumbleweed.
We saw a lot of beauty that trip both in the stark, red vista of the desert and in the galleries and marketplaces filled with the creativity of artists from across the country. But for natural beauty, the place we started out, Alamagordo, trumps them all. The mountains easily reached heights only imagined back East and we had two glorious days painting the mountain forests on location.
This painting, New Mexican Landscape I, is on exhibit at the BWAC show HOT! which opens this Saturday, at the Red Hook Pier, Brooklyn, NY. Pastel, 14" x 11" (20" x 16" framed), $525.